Thursday, December 13, 2012


Well I am past hump day! I barely made it. Tuesday I cleaned, YEAH ME!!! And I was tired so I fell asleep around 10ish and I woke up at 12ish. Guess who didn't go back to sleep? ME, ME, ME. And I had to work all day Wednesday. I picked up my 21 month old nephew at 7.30am and then was at my mother's house by 8am so I could watch my 7 month old niece. Then at 4 had to be back in Miramar Beach so I could be part of a babysitting event that had at least 190+ kids. I got the babies.....Now you have to be thinking, babies: not so bad. Try 15 babies 18 months and younger and it's dinner time and closely to be followed by bedtime under normal circumstances. So what happens when babies are tired? Why they cry of course! It's not so bad just exhausting. 

And now today: I actually woke up at 7.30 without the aide of my alarm clocks. Yes I said alarm clocks: Radio alarm, night stand alarm clock and I can put up to 5 different alarms on my phone. I am not a morning person. Yuck! So I wake up at 7.30, and I am still exhausted, so I play on the computer FB games again. and I am falling asleep at the monitor. So I finally give up and go to bed to try and read, I keep falling asleep. At at 10am CST I give up the ghost and do not awaken until 2.15pm. Been a sleepy day and cold!!!!! 
Time for me to watch the Big Bang Theory and hopefully to get some sleep, a proper night's sleep.

Monday, December 10, 2012

First Blog

I am writing this for me. If anyone deigns to read this, keep that in mind. I cannot seem to keep a journal, but I am online quite a bit so I thought I would give this a try. 

I have been so done lately, even with my happy pills, sometimes I find it hard to keep myself on an even keel. I try and do things, get outside, read a book, just do something but I find it easier to be in bed sleeping or watching tv. I am not sleeping well and the past couple of days I have spent more time online playing games on FB than I have in the last month. I can feel my butt getting flatter and my stomach getting bigger! 

I am trying to rediscover who Sara is and I keep stumbling. I am so tired of feeling like a complete and utter failure. I cannot seem to get a job, one job said I wasn't right for them and the other said I was ineligible to work for them at this time. I had to wait 60 days and I could reapply! I need work now!!! I am barely able to pay my bills! My dad has been helping me a little and I have been trying not to ask because I know he has his own troubles. Just tired of all the little things and big things just piling and piling on. Seems as if I can barely walk sometimes. 

I just want to get it right.